Rep. Dan Swanson hosted a Veterans’ & Senior Resource Fair on Tuesday in Aledo to provide local Veterans’ and Seniors an opportunity to interact face-to-face with state and local agencies available to assist them.
The Mercer County event was the second in a series of four events Rep. Swanson is hosting this week throughout the 74th Legislative District. Monday’s event was in Geneseo, while Wednesday’s is in Knoxville and Thursday’s in Princeton.
Mercer County’s event was hosted at the Mercer County VFW Post 1571 on Southwest Third Avenue. Dozens of attendees joined dozens of exhibitors representing state, local, and community agencies in providing information to Veterans and seniors in attendance. The VFW Auxiliary hosted a free lunch of hot dogs and chips at the Aledo event.
“As a Veteran, Veteran Advocate, and Legislator, I am honored to host these events to help Veterans connect with services, right here in their communities that can help improve their quality of life,” said Rep. Dan Swanson. “We owe a great debt to these men and women and this is just one small way we can make sure they know about services and programs helpful to them.”