
Friday, September 8, 2023
Rep. Swanson’s September 8 Capitol News Update

Inside: Highway dedicated in honor of Deputy Nick Weist In a solemn ceremony attended by family, law enforcement and community members outside AlWood elementary school, a section of U.S. Highway…

Thursday, September 7, 2023
How an obscure Illinois estate tax can affect property owners | OurQuadCities

Illinois lawmakers are considering changing a lesser-known tax. The estate tax kicks in when an individual inherits more than $4 million. In the state, there are family farms that fall…

Monday, September 4, 2023
Happy Labor Day

Thursday, August 31, 2023
Illinois listed as vulnerable state for scams

Illinois ranks in the top ten of the most financially scammed states according to new data by the Federal Trade Commission. Remember: Never give your personal or financial information in…

Tuesday, August 29, 2023
IDNR announces key dates and information for 2023-2024 waterfowl season

SPRINGFIELD – The Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) is reminding waterfowl hunters of key dates and other information regarding the 2023-2024 waterfowl seasons. Season update: This is the third…

Monday, August 28, 2023
Tri-States Public Radio: Highway dedicated for Deputy Nick Weist

Dozens of law officers, first responders, town folk, and others gathered on the front lawn of AlWood Elementary School in Alpha on Saturday. They were there to dedicate a roughly…

Friday, August 25, 2023
Rep. Swanson’s August 25 Capitol News Update

Inside: Lyme disease bill signed into law This spring I sponsored a bill, SB 1803, which would help continue the fight against Lyme disease. The bill passed both houses unanimously,…

Thursday, August 24, 2023
Part of Highway 150 to be named in honor of Deputy Nicholas Weist

Swanson pointed out that Deputy Weist was off duty at the time of the incident. “He was heading home; he was actually in Henry County. He lived in Viola; he…

Wednesday, August 23, 2023
More than 100 attend farmland assessment seminar series

Yesterday we wrapped up our Farmland Assessment Seminar at Knox County Farm Bureau hosted by Knox and Mercer County Farm Bureau. We then traveled to Lavender Crest hosted by Henry…

Monday, August 21, 2023
Around the district

We had a nice time visiting with the campers out at Lake Storey, for Heritage Days this weekend. Saturday evening, after a great rib-eye meal at the Warren County Fairgrounds…